Pico PICO RC2000 SnowkiteSTYLE: FreerideTYPE: RaceRIDERS: Advance / ProSIZE (cm): 200The way down from the mountain is steep and winding, while the peak itself seems to be inaccessible. It looks like running to the very end, with no limits. The board is also for those who are not afraid to reach for the sky. 2014 RC2000 SNOWKITE TSAR LIMITED EDITION IS ISPO AWARD WINNER 2014/2015*√ Новая√ Все размеры√ Доставка курьером - БЕСПЛАНО√ Деньги - Курьеру√ Кайт оборудование - Гаражные Цены√ Райдерам СКИДКИ→ Напишите Продавцу СЕЙЧАС ↘ ↓ ↙