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Книги на английском языке в Майкопе

Цена: 220 рублей
Владимир: Показать телефон

Продам книги на английском языке по политике, маркетингу, менеджменту, психологии и др. В основном книги в отличном состоянии (прочитаны 1 раз), всего пара книг с повреждением обложки. Цена: 200 руб за книгу. При покупке большого количества книг сделаю скидку.
1. Ray Comfort "Scientific in the Bible"
2. Charley Dewberry "Saving science"
3. Karen Armstrong "A History of God" (the New York Times Bestseller)
4. The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy
5. Olivia Judson "Dr. Tatianas Sex Advice to all creation"
6. Jana U. Ehrhardt "Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere"
7. Mark Musa "The portable Dante"
8. William Stueck "Rethinking the Korean War"
9. Nossrat Peseschkian "Oriental Stories as Tools in Psychotherapy"
10. Steven Pinker "How the mind works" - Продано
11. Charles Stanley "Success Gods way"
12. Barry Rubin "The Tragedy of the Middle East"
13. Gary Kleck "Targeting Guns firearms and their control"
14. John C. Maxwell, Jim Dornan "Becoming a person of influence"
15. John R. Lott "More guns less crime"
16. Steven Pinker "The blank slate"
17. Paul E. Little "Know Why You Believe"
18. Hedrick Smith "The new Russians"
19. J. A. Crabtree "The most real being"
20. Eric Berne "Beyond games and scripts"
21. David E. Hoffman "The oligarchs wealth and power in the new Russia" - Продано
22. Lee Strobel "The case for Christ"
23. Edmund Bourne, Lorna Garano "Coping with anxiety"
24. Harvard business school press. Written communications that inform and influence
25. Bryan Burrough, John Helyar "Barbarians at the gate" - Продано
26. Ben Mezrich "Rigged"
27. Christopher Lasch "The revolt of the elites and the betrayal of democracy"
28. Ian Atres "Super crunchers how anything can be predicted"
29. Don B. Kates, Jr. and Gary Kleck "The great American gun debate"
30. Pobert Kiyosaki "Rich dad, poor dad"
31. Lee J. Colan "Orchestrating attitude. Change your attitude. Change your life! "
32. Business Russian self-instruction course (for English speaking specialists). 33. Ayn Rand "Introduction to objectivist epistemology"
34. Scott M. Huse " The Collapse of Evolution"
35. Stephen R. Covey "The 7 habits of highly effective people" -продано.
36. Ronald Cohen "The second bounce of the ball"
37. Marcus Tanner "Irelands Holy Wars" - продано.
38. Bruce & Stan "God is in the hard stuff"
39. Saint Augustine "The City of God"
40. Gary Hamel "The future of management"
41. John R. Lott "More guns, less crime"

объявление размещено: 22 апреля 2018 г. 8:34, номер: 3191838

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