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Etek Dynamagic компрессор в Котласе

Цена: 3 500 рублей
Хозяин : Показать телефон

ETEK Dynamagic 2 channel compressorThe explanation of goods: From an acquaintance, Im commissioned, and, its exhibition. Exhibition only of the Dynamagic body and the power cord which come out in a picture. Movement could be used with no problem in particular. There are no instruction manuals, but I think if the word which comes out was the one used including competitors products almost so, the contents shown to the body can use every compressor with no problem. I have 2 channels and its possible to change setting at HIGH and LOW respectively (The band HIGH/LOW takes charge of by a control of "X-OVER FREQ" is changed. )"AVG" and an indicated place are setting of an attack and release (Its possible to change only the change in SLOW and FAST in HIGH/each LOW. ) by a front panel. Notice: It could be used with no problem in particular. The lighting up of a level meter and the lighting up of a lamp by a MODE change (The color changes with a change in "IN/BYPASS". ) are no problem. There seems to be a t

объявление размещено: 6 марта 2016 г. 5:58, номер: 1116596

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